Recent military conflicts resulted in traumatic brain injury (TBI) blast injuries due to improvised explosive devices, mortar rounds, rocket-propelled grenades, and suicide bombers. Ideally, a model of primary blast (bTBI) will consider blast pressure transmitted through brain tissue as well as shock-wave reflection/transmission at tissue interfaces and density discontinuities. But Omalu certainly receives credit for creating public awareness of the dangers of football-induced mild TBI. Researchers hope to further quantify the extent of the risks associated with football traumas as well as with other contact sports such as soccer, ice hockey, and wrestling. Increased awareness of steroid and human growth hormones by athletes, Congressional hearings, and individual awareness led to the Anabolic Steroids Control Act of 1990. In martial arts and boxing, the contact is integral to the play, while in low-contact sports like baseball, basketball, and soccer, head impacts are accidental to the play.