“Maximal Power Output” is mainly dependent on Force output. Getting strong (high force output) will also make you faster (time component of the Power equation). Thus, to develop “Maximal Power Output”, one of the factors I have identified as important to wrestling success, you need to get stronger. The other component I have identified as important to wrestling success is “Entire Match Wrestling Power Output”. This is dependent on maximal force, anaerobic capacity, and critical power. Maximal force also greatly affects anaerobic capacity, as measured by the Wingate Test and the Maximal Accumulated Oxygen Deficit. Thus, for “Entire Match Wrestling Power Output” you need to get strong. Also, longer “go’s” (1–3 minutes) will develop muscle buffering capacity and therefore anaerobic capacity. The last component “Critical Power” is the maximal power output that can be maintained that is purely fueled by aerobic metabolism. This component can be trained by 5–10 minutes intervals at 80%–90% of VO2max and long slow-distance training.