The transcultural scenery on the society, organization, and at the individual level, may be unified, from the differences/associate dimensions perspective, on the eighth degree unfolding. By appropriate adapting of the anthropologic–societal model for an organization, from Hofstede to Meyer, one may formulate the aim of the total management of quality alongside with generalizing/reformulating the individual–psychological profile to the generational (sociological) one. Thus, the premises for a comparative analysis are offered, by means of a transcultural qualitative–phenomenological matrix, as a basis/guide for a quantitative substantiation (through scores based on a hypothetic interview). Also, for a correlated analysis, whenever possible, one may estimate the degree in which the cultural model is realistic, while choosing between the second culture manifestation level on personal–generational, professional and societal–national manifestation forms. The application on the generation-X is unfolded by the 8D-phenomenological correlations with the societal and organizational environment; the model can be extended on the other generations too, as well as, on the multigenerational aggregate system, once referred to as the societal, or organizational context. All the efforts should conduct to an appropriate multidimensional strategy for communication, promotion, employment within organization, public relationship, etc.

<target id="page_2" target-type="page">2</target>Motto:

“Lt. Joshi: ‘The World is built in a wall that separates kind. Tell either side there’s no wall, you’ve bought a war. Or a slaughter.’”

—Blade Runner 2049 (2017) © Alcon Entertainment, Columbia, Free Scott, and Warner Bros. Pictures & Co.