Nano-medicine industry is expected to have a significant impact on the economy and medical care of the society. Chapter 2 gives a view of the current nano-medicine market and its economic future trends. In this chapter, the real situation of nanomedicine industry is analyzed and the financial and strategic decisions that lead to nanomedicine start-ups to reach a successful place to obtain a satisfactory market share, to build and maintain a competitive defendable position are described. In addition, the technical transfer process, which connects laboratories or research institutions to the marketplace are explored. Dispensing nanomedicine product from the hands of the inventor to those of the doctor is not a simple task; a comprehensive and a contemporary list of nanomedicine products currently marketed and in clinical trials, is needed. Finally, the principal challenges for their commercial development, both from a manufacturing and a regulatory perspective, to gain knowledge of the translational pathways are discussed. The analysis achieved simply highlights the childhood of the field and the conclusion, that although a large part of the nanomedicine applications identified are still in the research and development stage, they should lead to a truly revolutionary advance envisaged in medicine.