Future space technologies could be viewed from those organizations that are in the forefront of space technologies. With no doubt, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) would be on the top of such list. Today's space companies aim to develop viable businesses to provide services such as human space travel and habitation—currently the domain of government agencies. NASA's wish list for the future of space technology is being written by a NASA specialist as follows, which defines a Roadmap for Space Technology in different areas in the coming years. This Roadmap is updated every few years by NASA as needed. A solar power satellite (SPS) beams down energy to a reception area on Earth in the form of microwaves. The SPS system requires a global undertaking by all stakeholders from private to public enterprises. The enabling potential of photonics in space engineering has notably grown since the 1960s, when the only photonic devices on satellites were the solar cells.