This chapter discusses different kinds of physics-based models in detail. The single-phase model considers the sample as single-phase materials, especially the migrating water treated as a single-phase entity. The diffusion models are very popular because of their simplicity and good predictive capability. Moreover, this type of model assumes conductive heat transfer for energy conservation. Heat and mass transfer coefficients vary with sample dimension, air velocity, and surface condition. Therefore, this coefficient needs to be determined for specific conditions. The chapter aim to familiarize the readers with the techniques for determining the transport coefficients. When the simulation is completed, post-processing is required to observe the drying kinetics, moisture distribution, temperature distribution, as well as variable thermo-physical properties. The chapter discusses effective diffusivity, moisture distribution, and temperature distribution for demonstration purpose. Apart from these, many other important pieces of parameters can be investigated in detail from the simulation, provided necessary data are available.