You have to wear the lenses regularly. The oblique muscles can become tight again when left unattended. In the short term, the wearing schedule is more frequent. Afterwards, the interval becomes longer. The main reason for relying less and less on the ortho C lenses is to allow the crystalline lens and eyeball to synchronize in each eye and to allow one eye to synchronize with the other. The specific drill attends to the first and second myopic relationship. By relying less on the lenses and the drill, it attends to the third and fourth myopic relationship.

Just like adhering to a maintenance schedule after shedding some excess weight, your client also needs to maintain the improvement in vision. The oblique muscles can become tight again when left unattended. By adhering to a maintenance schedule, you are addressing the tendency for myopia to progress as well as its present state. The phenomenon is common in laser surgery. There is still the tendency for the oblique muscles to increase their tension and induce a partial relapse. The initial excessive tension was not attended to during the treatment.