Networks, cloud computing, and the Internet of Things (IOT) have reshaped the world. Estimates indicate that a billion devices will be connected and generate trillions of terabytes of data by 2023. This chapter addresses the applications of indices, skiplists, query resolution via hashing, and security issues affecting cloud computomg networks and the IOT. It deals with use of bloom filters for click-stream processing. The chapter presents fast IP-address lookup and use of integrity verification for cloud and IOT data. The quick growth of online advertisement over the internet plays an important role in the success of the advertising market. Integrity verification cloud and IoT Data protection is vital for users. Cloud computing is effective because it provides quality service while maintaining user privacy and security. Marking schemes for network packets are used extensively for network security. Congestion control is a vital factor in network implementation. The efficiency of existing algorithms in controlling congestion remains to be proven.