Neutron-induced fission can play a competing role to beta-delayed fission. All these aspects need a better future understanding, including the role of neutrino-induced reactions, as they enter directly in the resulting r-process yields and abundance distributions. The heavy elements found in nature are manufactured by neutron capture processes occurred in two types of different environments viz. In the most general case of environment conditions, one has to solve a full set of differential equations for all nuclei from stability to the neutron drip-line, including individual neutron captures, photodisintegrations, and beta-decays. An alternative site for the heavy r-process nuclei are neutron-star ejecta, like example in neutron star mergers The binary system, consisting of two neutron stars, looses energy and angular momentum through the emission of gravitational waves and merges finally. The measured orbital decay gave the first evidence for the existence of gravitational radiation.