In 1984 the Brothers hoped that by 1991 they would be on the way to middle-class prosperity. Even more so than the Hallway Hangers, the Brothers have been employed in the service sector of the economy. They have bagged groceries, stocked shelves, flipped hamburgers, delivered pizzas, repaired cars, serviced airplanes, cleaned buildings, moved furniture, driven tow trucks, pumped gas, delivered auto parts, and washed dishes. Mike, the only white member of the Brothers, graduated from Lincoln High School in June 1986 and enrolled in a state college. After several weeks, unable to acclimatize culturally and socially, he returned home. Mike is a relentless believer in the American Dream and in individual responsibility. Super is one of the people against whom Mike fulminates for not having made more of himself. Eventually, Super got a job at a grocery store and stayed for three years.