The above structural characteristics zqp allow us to have the identical structure of expression (23.9) for interfaces with different symmetries. Thus, for z = 6, the normal components of the pressure tensor are written in the form

+ (23.10)

and the tangential components of the pressure tensor differ in the coefficients of the second term:

According to the hydrostatic definition of surface tension, instead of formula (23.6)

which is identical to the Becker equation (22.20), since because of the equality of pressure in the coexisting phases π=π1=πκ=πq

N. This model was used to describe various experimental data [28-

30,35]. For example, calculations of the temperature dependences of the surface tension for substances whose properties are close to the so-called law of the corresponding states are presented [36]. Details of calculations are indicated in [35], they are performed for 19 substances. Some of them are shown in Fig. 23.5, and the parameters are indicated in Table 23.1. The results of the calculation are plotted with solid lines and are marked with the corresponding sequence number from Table 23.1 (field a: 1-6, field b: 7-11), the experimental points are marked with symbols.