This chapter presents a platform to provide valuable information on the background knowledge of membrane hybrid technologies work for better understanding of the types of membranes, membrane preparation techniques, functionalization, characterization, and applications. Synthetic membranes have been successfully used for small and large-scale industrial processes since the middle of the 20th century. Most commercially used synthetic membranes in separation industry are made of polymeric structures. Sintering is a suitable technique for preparing membranes from polytetrafluoroethylene because this chemically and thermally resistant polymer is not soluble. Another relatively simple procedure for preparing microporous membranes is the stretching of a homogeneous polymer film of partial crystallinity. The majority of phase inverted membranes are prepared by immersion precipitation. The properties of the polymer solution have the most significant influence in the electrospinning process and the resultant membrane morphology. The surface tension has a part to play in the formation of beads along the fiber length.