Kinematics of a gear pair includes rotations of the driving and the driven gears about their axes, the instant rotations of the driving and the driven gears in relation to each other, and the sliding of the tooth flanks of the mating gears. Kinematics of a gear pair together with the input torque are the starting point for solving the problem of synthesis of a gear pair that features a desired performance. The kinematics of a gear pair is based on two rotations. They are: Rotation of a gear about the gear axis of rotation, Og, with an angular velocity, ωg; Rotation of a mating pinion about the pinion axis of rotation, Op, with an angular velocity, ωp. Crossed-axes gear pairs are considered in monograph as the most general type of gear pairs. The remaining possible types of gear pairs can be construed as a reduction of the corresponding type of the crossed-axes gear pairs.