No book is complete without a discussion on of future trends. The concluding chapter discusses the emerging trends in vision solutions. This chapter traces the history of the Industrial Revolution to understand how the Iindustry has been transformed over the ages and recognize the shift from a predominately Rrural Aagrarian society to today’s Iindustrial and Uurban society. We are in the era of Industry 4.0, where manufacturing is going through a digital transformation and smart factories are going to be the “Factories of the Future.”. Automation would be taken to a new level by the mainstreaming of current and emerging technologies. Machines in factories would soon become independent entities that collect and analyze data, analyze data and act upon the results in real time. Emerging trends in manufacturing and in non-industrial applications have beenare discussed. The Industry isModern industries are poised to see the blurring of lines between computer and machine vision technologies, and the emergence of vision solutions that enable real-time decision making in diverse areas.