“Garlic” has a very long folk history of use in a wide range of ailments, particularly ailments such as ringworm, Candida, and vaginitis, where its fungicidal, antiseptic, tonic, and parasiticidal properties have proved of benefit. The plant produces inhibitory effects on gram-negative germs of the typhoid-paratyphoid-enteritis group; indeed, it possesses outstanding germicidal properties and can keep amebic dysentery at bay. “Asparagus” has been cultivated for over 2000 years as a vegetable and medicinal herb. The report says that the plant contains asparagusic acid (C4H6O2S2) which is nematocidal and is used in the treatment of schistosomiasis. Modern research has shown that barley may be of aid in the treatment of hepatitis, whilst other trials have shown that it may help to control diabetes. “Salep” is very nutritive and demulcent. It has been used as a diet of special value for children and convalescents, being boiled with water, flavored, and prepared in the same way as arrowroot.