Phyllanthus (Euphorbiaceae) is a large genus including more than 800 species. It was described by Linnaeus for the first time in 1737. “Phyllanthus,” derived from Greek meaning “leaf and flower,” is named so because the leaf, flower and fruit appear fused. Plants of this genus are trees, shrubs and herbs distributed throughout tropical and subtropical countries of the American, African and Asian continents. It is also widespread in coastal areas. P. fraternus is an erect annual herb that grows about 45–60 cm tall, and it is a winter weed commonly found in gardens, wastelands and roadsides. P. emblica is commonly known as Indian gooseberry (Amla) or emblic leaf-flower which is found throughout India in sunny areas. It is also widely distributed in subtropical and tropical areas of China, India, Indonesia and Malay Peninsula. Herbs being easily accessible to mankind have been widely explored for their medicinal properties.