Connection Security underwrites trust in the organization's assurance of the confidential, correct, and reliable transmission of information; from both internal and external threats. Thus, Connection Security comprises all of the technologies, processes, and practices that protect the organization's networks, computers, programs, and constituent data from attack, damage, or unauthorized access.

The knowledge in the Connection Security area of the CSEC represents the current thinking about the appropriate response to electronic attack. Because threats can show up at any time from any place in the world and be as diverse as the human mind can conceive, Connection Security might be the most difficult single aspect of the cybersecurity process. However, the security of connections might also be the most critical task, since our economy and our national defense both rely on the safe, stable, and accurate interchange of electronic information.

In this chapter, the reader will see the basic practices of Connection Security knowledge area. They will understand the importance of Connection Security in the overall cybersecurity process as well as the role that the knowledge elements associated with the physical media knowledge unit and the physical interfaces and connectors. Besides the knowledge elements of the Hardware Architectural knowledge unit, the knowledge elements of the Distributed Systems Architectural and the Network Architectural knowledge units will also be itemized. The knowledge elements of the Network Implementation and the Network Services knowledge units are also covered. Finally, the knowledge elements of the Network Defense knowledge unit are detailed.