Hydrogen isotopes are the 10th most abundant element in the Earth’s crust, and the most abundant in the human body (in atomic percent), and deuterium represents only approximately 0.01% of all these isotopes. Therefore, about 0.01% of all molecules that contain hydrogen contain deuterium in the universe, the most common being heavy water D2O. The observed ratios of hydrogen to helium to deuterium in the universe are difficult to explain except with a Big Bang model. Within a few minutes after the Big Bang, during nucleogenesis, protons and neutrons were formed with a ratio of about 7 to 1, due to the lower mass of the protons that favored their production. Energetic metabolism in the brain, related to both the production and consumption of energy, plays a fundamental role in cerebral function and is essential for maintaining glucose which serves as the main carbon substrate to produce adenosine triphosphate molecules via oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria inside the cells.