The best chance of successful re-implantation is by reposition of an avulsed tooth within 30 minutes outside its socket, or up to 2 hours if stored in milk or saline, which help preserve the delicate periodontal ligament cells. Avulsed primary incisor tooth Do not replace these, but refer the patient to a dental surgeon for follow-up. Dislocation may occur spontaneously after yawning or it may follow a blow to the jaw. It may be unilateral or more commonly bilateral and may become recurrent. The fracture itself causes enophthalmos, which may be masked by periorbital oedema, infra­orbital nerve loss to the side of the nostril and upper lip, and diplopia from restricted upwards gaze due to trapping of the inferior rectus muscle or orbital fat. Toothache is usually due to inflammation of the pulp space in a carious tooth. A periodontal abscess follows periodontitis from poor dental hygiene particularly in smokers and diabetics. Halitosis, increasing pain and swelling occur.