This chapter is devoted to endpoint protection with the knowledge that there is some overlapping content with virus detection, which we discussed in Chapter 6. Endpoint protection, or endpoint security, is the methodology that an organization takes to protect its network when it is accessed by remote devices such as smartphones, laptops, tablets, or other such wireless devices. Endpoint protection technologies are software programs which are installed on all network servers and on all devices, which are at the endpoint. With the rapid increase in the number of mobile devices like notebooks, smartphones, laptops, etc., there has been a drastic increase in the number of such devices that are lost or stolen.

These lost or stolen devices can be a massive loss of sensitive data for enterprises. They have to secure and take care of their enterprise data that is available on their employees' personal devices. This would protect against their data not getting compromised, should those personal devices fall into the wrong hands. Hence, enterprises end up securing their endpoints, and this process is known as endpoint security. As such, endpoint protection technologies target endpoint security and also prevent the misuse of data on an employee's mobile device or an employee purposefully trying to cause harm to the enterprise.