Welcome to the chapter of the boss! It never feels more exciting than the player finally meets the boss, and we are going to have more fun in this chapter to create our boss. We will tie our systems together and make the boss fight both fun and challenging. But before we move on to that, let’s again have a list of things we want the boss to do:

The boss takes the form of the hero asset.

When the boss sees the player, it locks on the player and always facing the player.

The boss starts to shoot grenades toward the player every 3 seconds.

The boss spawn minions behind it every 8 seconds.

Boss minion is a child class of BP_Patrol that never forgets the player and spawn grenade launcher pickups when dead.

There are four health regenerations at the four corners around the boss.

Boss explodes when dead, kills all minions, and spawns a “you win!” sign.