As mentioned in the general introduction, this Normal Table project was completed from data provided by an international team. The opportunity of practising international team work was met with great interest and appreciation, and led to the collaboration of about twenty scientists from three continents. Among them South Africa and the Netherlands are rather well represented. The South African zoologists were very much interested in this project, which concerned one of their native amphibien species. The number of Dutch collaborators increased particularly during the last one or two years when time became gradually too restricted to interest a foreign scientist in a subject from which the original collaborator had to withdraw. The development of the ear, by Miss M. Th. C. van Egmond, the development of the skin, by G. A. van Erkel and the development of the skull and visceral muscles up till metamorphosis, by P. H. van Doesburg, have thus recently been studied at the Hubrecht Laboratory, while both editors filled in some gaps which became apparent when the Normal Table was being written.