Modern laser-crystal physics development features the most lasers (i.e., the lasers using activated insulating crystals) and has several periods; in every period fundamental studies like the solution of a research problem (e.g., an increase of the number of laser-crystalline hosts and their activators) or the thorough study of the processes causing stimulated emission (SE) generation have been carried out with a high level of activity. These periods each feature their own problems, influenced, among other factors, by achievements in laser technology and new applications. This cyclic development of laser-crystal physics, and, in particular, crystalline laser physics, is confirmed by analyzing achievements obtained during the years since the creation of the first ruby-based laser. 1 Let us consider the diagrams illustrating the research results since they can easily be completely filled with time-dependent numerical data. This analysis was performed more than 10 years ago; 2 here it will be continued in more detail. A separate achievement shown in Figure 1.1, is the creation of a new crystalline host, the successful use of an activator not used earlier for the lasing ion, or discovery of the laser effect at the wavelength of a new intermanifold SE channel of the generating ion. The diagram in Figure 1.1a is based on the year of publication, while that of Figure 1.1b uses the year of submission of the article reporting a particular result. In our opinion, the latter diagram gives a more realistic picture. Laser-crystal physics research activity (explanations in the text) (a) by year of publication, (b) by year of submission.<sup> <xref ref-type="bibr" rid="ref1_168">168</xref>,<xref ref-type="bibr" rid="ref1_354">354</xref> </sup> https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-p.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9781003067962/89564b42-6271-4d92-8163-f65b09ca917b/content/fig1_1.tif"/>