This chapter provides details on the types of generators that are likely to fit into the small generator category and presents a partial listing of the types of organizations that are most frequently identified as small quantity generators. It uses solvents, acids/bases, heavy metals, pesticides, reactives, chemical reagents, and plating and heat treating wastes to simplify the discussion of waste types. The most common hazardous waste among small quantity generators is a broad category summarized as solvents. Acids and bases are the most prevalent materials commonly identified as corrosive, both by characteristic and by regulatory definition. Many small businesses generate wastes containing heavy metals. This may be the result of a plating operation, laboratory use, or the use of some coatings and paints. Many small businesses perform plating operations that may generate hazardous waste. The most common of these wastes are those from electroplating, anodizing, and salt bath heat treatment.