This chapter provides a catalogue arranged alphabetically by plant families in the classes Dicotyledons, Monocotyledons and Gymnosperms and Algae. Within the families the genera and species are also arranged alphabetically. For each entry the scientific Latin name is used and, when possible, an English name is also provided, though sometimes this is a convenient adaptation from the scientific name. The location and date on which each plant was drawn is indicated where possible. Vernacular names of plants recorded by Bruce or Balugani are cited as inscribed on the drawings or as published in one or more editions of the Travels. They are sometimes inscribed in Amharic script, but were mostly transcribed by Balugani and it should be borne in mind that they were noted by an Italian speaker. Inscriptions on the preliminary drawings are always in Balugani’s hand except in very rare instances where the appearance of a note by Bruce is indicated.