Cleaning procedures can vary depending on the exact circumstances. It is clearly established that if all dirt is not removed, the sanitizer will fail. In addition, high pressure sprays can be dangerous if staff become involved in occasional "horseplay". Manual scrubbing may still be required for stubborn dirt. Foam cleaning is the application of a detergent in such a way that a “foam” is produced. A basic cleaning-in-place (CIP) system will include: a detergent solution reservoir, a detergent dosage system, a temperature control mechanism, and a pump, to generate the required turbulence. Normally, there are five successive steps in CIP cleaning: Note that this basic procedure will need to be adapted for particular situations. The disadvantage is that the production staff lose some of their involvement in the cleaning process. Sometimes, cleaning procedures fail, e.g. dirt is not removed or bacteriological counts are high.