The concept of “additional fishes” should not be confused with “poly-culture”. Additional stocking is done in such a way that toward the end of the vegetative period marketable fish are obtained not only from the main object of fish culture, but from the additional fishes. In selecting fishes for additional stocking or polyculture one should keep in mind that fishes from the carp family feed in general on a similar type of food. The additional stocking of goldfish is possible only in completely drainable ponds, since in nondrainable ponds they multiply rapidly. Common carp, the main object of fish culture in ponds, does not make use of “coarse” fauna (water beetles, bugs, larvae of dragonfly, tadpoles, small trash fish), readily consumed by sander, pike, trout, and other fish species, nor does it feed on higher aquatic plants and phytoplankton. In cold-water fish farms polyculture can be practiced by combining benthophagous whitefishes, trout, lenok, char, and planktophagous whitefishes.