Stock for one-year production farms, material for research in acclimatization, brood fish, and marketable fish are usually transported live. In addition to live fish of different ages, viable fertilized eggs are also transported. Live fish and fertilized eggs may be transported only if the requisite veterinary certificate is issued. In transporting fish in water the quality of the water is significant and its oxygen content the most important criterion. The oxygen content should be sufficient for normal respiration during transport. Phytophagous fish are transported in wagons and motor trucks, but more often in polyethylene bags carried by automobile or airplanes. Fish can also be transported by motor truck in crates without water. In this case too the crates are stacked on the truck, and covered with a tarpaulin tied in place with a rope to prevent the fish from drying. Fish transported without water are prepared in the same way as for transport in water.