A woman will usually contact her practice midwife or telephone the labour ward for advice. Monitoring of fetal heart in low-risk women who are thought to be in labour, either by cardiotocography or intermittent auscultation, should be commenced within 30 min of admission to the labour ward. The fetal heart should be listened to every 15-30 min in the first stage and every 5 min or around every contraction in the second stage. The chief purpose of the partogram is to enable efficient and effective communication between professionals. The use of the partogram does not imply a dogmatic approach to the management of normal labour. Once the onset of labour is established, a partogram should be started and vaginal examination should be performed at least every 4 h. Women should be encouraged to achieve the position(s) that they find most comfortable during labour. There are probable advantages to adopting an upright position and for mobilizing during labour.