Lovejoy investigated the geometry of cloud and rain areas the very large size range from 1 to over 106 km2, based on the data of radar observations from tropical Atlantic rain areas and geostationary satellite infrared observations of cloud areas over the Indian Ocean. The perimeter-area relation has been widely applied to quantitatively analyze fractured surfaces. In the vertical section method, the micrographs at a magnification of about 500 × were used to obtain fracture surface cross section profiles and analyzed by a computer program which can be used to measure the length of a digitized cross section profile using different scale lengths. Translated fractal surfaces method involves taking a vertical section through the fractured surface, and obtaining the fractal dimension of the profile by the fractal curve measurement. Feder has discussed in detail the generation of a fractal surface. Feder tried to generate translation surfaces from superpositions of the oscillating function.