Hyperconcentrated flow can pass through a reservoir without severe siltation and can be released from a reservoir if bottom sluices are installed and opened. Study on hyperconcentrated flow was started with researches on natural phenomena and engineering problems on the Yellow River. Later on it was found that debris flow, hydrotransport of solid material, etc. are also related to the hyperconcentrated flow. Density current occurs along a sloping ocean bottom provided liquid adjacent to the bottom contains suspended sediment that causes the average density of the mixture to be greater than the density of the surrounding clear water. Densecoal is a suspension consisting of coal, water, additives which behaves practically in the same way as oil. The suspension can be directly burnt as fuel, without the need for dewatering. Densecoal can be transported by train, ship or pipeline. As a discipline of mechanics of sediment motion, theory of hyperconcentrated flow develops rapidly in the latest two decades, particularly in China.