In the present investigation, identification of transcrustal geophysical anomalies is essentially based on methods of penetrating exchange waves from far earthquakes and to a lesser extent—deep seismic sounding (DSS). The seismic method combines a complex of investigations of the crust and upper mantle. Penetrating to great depths or originating there from earthquakes, elastic waves are reflected or refracted from various kinds of geological inhomogeneities and return to or reach the earth’s surface, where they are recorded by seismic instruments. Textural inhomogeneities may represent factors of non-xenogenic nature. In the case of similar composition, the inhomogeneities may be represented by associations of crystals of different magnitudes, which significantly change their physical properties and in particular the density of minerals. Tripol’ recently re-examined the original seismic data of Mogilev-Podol’-Taran-rog DSS profile. He established that isolated seismic reflection areas were earlier drawn on the profile as short reflection segments.