Light Emitting Diode (LED) is semiconductor source of illumination that emits light once current start flowing through it. Once an acceptable current is applied to the leads, negatrons area unit able to combine with electron holes and emits energy within the photons. The color of emitted energy is decided by the band gap of the semiconductor. Most of the LEDs are made of a spread of inorganic materials of semiconductor. The V-I characteristic of a LED is analogous to a diode, which implies that a tiny low amendment in voltage will cause an outsized amendment in current. When applied voltage across the LED exceeds the forward fall by a low quantity, the present rating is also exceeded by an outsized quantity, which may damage the LED. The system for LED interfacing comprises of a +12V power supply, a +12V to +5V converter, a NuttyFi/8051 microcontroller, a resistor 330 Ohm, and the LEDs.