Unlike most other fish, seahorses have an exo-skeleton. Their bodies are made up of hard, external, bony plates that are fused together with a fleshy covering. Seahorses are poor swimmers. They rely on their dorsal fin beating at 30–70 times per second to propel it along. Seahorse also has a segmented bony armour, anupright posture and a curled prehensile tail. Seahorses (Hippocampus spp.) are a major commodity fished from the shallow coastal seas of the south coast of India where there is an abundance of sea grasses, sponges and corals. According western medical reports dried seahorses were used 400 years ago to enhance erection, but can treat impotence, asthma, high cholesterol, fiber arteriosclerosis, incontinence, thyroid problems, skin diseases, cardiac diseases, and even broken bones. For medicine, seahorses are dried herbs sweet, warm properties is useful and effective in regulating human blood, kidney pitch for men.