Articles are regularly published about miraculous technologies producing energy abundantly or helping not to consume any. Hydrogen is often presented as a clean energy. But there is no, or hardly any, hydrogen in nature. Hydrogen can fuel vehicles and this technology might be more interesting than the use of batteries, but it doesn’t fundamentally change the energy problems. The air motor works and can move vehicles without pollution, but the air used has to be compressed, which requires the use of a compressor, which does not work without energy. Some people firmly believe in the water motor. Have a look at the label of a bottle of water: it contains zero calories. If water does not make you put on weight, it is because it contains no calories, in other words, no energy. The abiotic oil theory, the Dumas effect, vacuum energy, the Lester Hendershot engine and other miracle systems are beliefs. There is no conspiracy that would hide any revolutionary technology from the general public.