Popcorn is the most primitive of the surviving races of maize. This corn type is characterized by a very hard, corneous endosperm containing only a small portion of soft starch. The land requirements and cultivation aspects of popcorn are similar to that of sweet corn. There are three types of popcorn kernels: white, small yellow and large yellow besides red kernel types. Generally white popcorn has a rice shaped kernel and yellow popcorn kernels are pearl shaped. Any soil type suitable for normal corn should produce a good popcorn crop. Popcorn seeds germinate more slowly than dent corn and the seedlings grow at slower rate. Thus, medium to coarse textured soils, which warm slightly faster than fine-textured soils, should improve germination, emergence and seedling establishment. Fertility requirements for popcorn are similar to normal corn. Nitrogen is to be applied at a rate of 100–110 kg/ha.