With the postulates already formulated in the language of an abstract inner product spaces, this chapter shows how an observable can be naturally expressed as a linear Hermitian operator acting on the inner product space where the states live. We start by introducing linear operators acting on vector spaces and their representations. Next, we discuss the systems of eigenvalues and eigenvectors associated with such operators. The important case of Hermitian operator and the properties of their eigenvalues and eigenvectors, relevant to quantum mechanics, are introduced. After developing the necessary background in linear algebra, the connection of Hermitian operators with quantum observables is established. We then proceed to explain what this connection actually accomplishes. In particular, we show how it translates the target questions of quantum mechanics into an eigenvalue problem. This makes it evident what the nature of the input to a quantum theory should be. This input enters the formalism through what are known as “quantization rules”. I discuss this in the last section of this chapter. An illustration using a disguised spin-half system winds up the chapter.