The number of quality manufacturers of medical imaging equipment is limited due to the high entry barriers into this market. National laws regulate minimal performance, constancy testing, risk management, good manufacturing practice, and quality assurance. International standards provide performance metrics. The number of quality manufacturers of medical imaging equipment is limited due to the high entry barriers into this market. National laws regulate minimal performance, constancy testing, risk management, good manufacturing practice, and quality assurance. International standards provide performance metrics. Meticulous cleaning of components is a prerequisite for acceptable high-voltage stability, long bearing life, stable electron emission, and high overall production yield. Effects such as vacuum discharges are still regarded as “stochastic” and, although rare, unpredictable. Tube production is thus process-oriented. On the other hand, the major portion of the value of a high-voltage generator is added by the assembly of well-specified subcomponents. The high-voltage tank with its complex electrical interactions may be regarded as an exception to this rule.