A comprehensive insight into air cargo transport starts with the brief history of air cargo, which is followed by air cargo today. Depending on aircraft used for cargo transport, the development of air cargo services is divided into three periods. One should know that in addition to the factors that stimulate the growth of air cargo demand, there are certain factors that can adversely affect air cargo transport. Unit load devices (pallets or containers) are usually used in the transport process to reduce the time needed for loading/unloading cargo, to provide better protection against weather conditions and against damage to the cargo or to the aircraft, or to transport special load. Special loads refer to those items of cargo which, due to their value or their features, require special treatment during transport, because they are sensitive to changes in temperature, pressure, humidity, and lighting. It should be noted that all material handling and transport devices are equipped with rollers and ball bearings that facilitate the handling of ULDs and speed up the process of loading, reloading, and unloading. Finally, cargo shipped by aircraft needs to be accompanied with appropriate air freight transport documents.