In this chapter, you will learn about the Flutter themes types, implementing, and using them. Flutter supports global and local themes. Global themes are responsible for styling colors, fonts, etc. at the application level. Local themes help define app styling at a screen or component level. You'll create both kinds of themes for the BooksApp app from the previous chapter. This chapter begins with blue theme that comes with Flutter applications by default. You will learn to create a variation of default theme by changing the color to pink. Then you will get understand of creating dark theme that can be applied to whole app all at once. You will learn to modularize themes to be able to reuse one theme multiple times. Finally, you'll learn to switch from one theme to another, like light to dark theme and vice versa. You'll learn to customize your app using custom fonts. You'll download a font file in your project and use it in your app to customize the font-family of the book's title.