This chapter introduces implementing navigation from one screen to another. The previous chapter (Chapter 12: Integrating REST API) touched on making RESTful requests to Books API and fetch book listings. In (Chapter 13: Data Modeling), the book listing was rendered in the ListView widget using data model class. The ListView widget used BookTile widget to render three necessary information about the book: title, author(s), and image of the cover page. The next step is to show details about the book like its publication date, publisher, description, etc. It may be a good idea for each book to have its detailed information page, say BookDetailsPage. In this chapter, a simple page BookDetailsPage is added to render book details. You will learn to build navigation from the BookListing screen to the BookDetailsPage screen for selected list item in the BookListing screen. You will also learn about the three types of navigation and routing systems: direct, static, and dynamic navigations. Lastly, you will implement navigation from the BookListing homepage to the BookDetailsPage screen.