In this chapter, you'll develop an understanding of the Flutter project's structure. This chapter introduces Flutter channels. The Flutter channel refers to Flutter's build releases. There are four release channels: master, dev, beta, and stable. Flutter's stable release has only Android and iOS support at the time of this writing. The support for web and desktop is not rolled out in the stable Flutter software development kit (SDK) release yet. The ‘beta’ channel supports web, whereas ‘dev’ channel supports building desktop applications. We'll be using the ‘dev’ channel to run all code snippets in this book because that way, we can run each and every code piece on all of the four platforms, including web and desktop. However, it's recommended to use a ‘stable’ channel for production applications. You'll learn the structure of Flutter project to deploy same application to four different platforms/targets. This chapter also touches on running the sample code snippets available on Flutter's official documentation.