In this chapter takes the HelloBooksApp created in the earlier chapters to the next level. The HelloBooksApp is renamed to the BooksApp. The BooksApp lists books’ titles and their authors in a vertical list view. We will learn to plan the app's layout, making choices for layout widgets, and finally implementing the interface. This chapter will use and build upon the widgets knowledge from previous chapters to build a real-world application interface. You will learn to retrieve book information from JSON formatted data entries to build the user centric interface. For simplicity, the JSON data entries are static. Its purpose is to keep books data simple and easy to follow along the JSON parsing and displaying book's information. You will use various widgets like Column, Row, Padding, Flexible, Image to display data in the Card widget. Lastly, you'll learn to use the ListView layout widget to render multiple Card widgets to display book information per Card widget. The BooksApp is built for all the four platforms: Android, iOS, web, and desktop.