India is a major grain producing country in the world, but changes in climatic conditions are the main issues for the production of grains and food security. Diverse types of food production are required; there is requirement for selecting the crops that can grow in drought and drastic conditions. Millets are the crops that can grow and survive in extreme conditions like low soil fertility, high alkalinity, and drought. Starch is the major reserve carbohydrate found in the plants and the major source of energy for humans. It is the most important part of different foods, and its characteristics and reaction with other food constituents, such as water and lipids, are most essential to the food industry and for human nutrition. Amylose and amylopectin are the two major polysaccharides of starch. Swelling power and solubility provide information about the degree of interaction between starch chains within both the amorphous and crystalline zones.