Indian Major Carps and Chinese carps can be grown together but catla and silver carp should not be stocked together in the same pond. The health condition and the maturity of the brooders must be checked at least once in a month. Females fail to undergo final oocyte maturation and then ovulation and spawning. Male produce small volumes of milt, or milt of low quality. Hormonal treatments are the only means of controlling reproduction. Crude use of ground pituitaries from mature fish containing gonadotropin which were injected into broodstock to induce spawning. Collection of pituitaries for hypophysation was done from reproductively mature broodstock either males or females. Pituitaries collected during the spawning season were more efficacious in inducing spawning. Ovaprim utilizes the fish’s own endocrine system to safely induce maturation and coordinate spawning dates. Ovaprim has been tested and proven effective in 6 species of salmonids and several other cultured species.