
The project manager of the multicultural project should be aware of any personal biases, be open to different ways of doing things, and participate in cultural training to develop the competencies necessary to lead a multicultural team. Communication competencies are vital to the success of the project. The virtual project manager, however, needs a multitude of competencies to be successful leading the global, multicultural team. The fifth chapter of this book provides a detailed discussion of competencies for e-leaders, going beyond virtual project communications to the e-leadership skills necessary for project managers who want to further the success of the 21st century organization. Other topics include managing virtual relationship and communications challenges such as videoconferencing issues, personnel issues including privacy concerns, special accommodations and life events, and personality issues. A review of best practices in this chapter includes building team cohesiveness virtually, motivation, empowerment, building trust, controlling social isolation, cyberbullying in the virtual environment, and e-ethics.