Reflective practice is a fundamental way for practitioners to recognize and address the effects of their work on their own well-being. Narrative medicine provides tools to incorporate healthy reflective habits into daily lives and help make veterinary practice a source of satisfaction and pleasure. This chapter examines how reflection can help practitioners thrive as well as prevent and handle burnout and fatigue.

The concepts of self-acceptance and self-compassion are explored and promoted as necessary for optimum health and well-being. The topic of perfectionism, which is common in veterinary professionals, is also explored. This chapter explains how the practice of mindfulness can help clinicians observe emotions, accept them, apply self-compassion, and take action as needed.

This chapter discusses the topic of self-disclosure among peers, which can help practitioners intentionally share their stories with colleagues and co-workers to gain peer support.

Parallel Charts, a concept invented by Dr. Rita Charon, and the 55-word story model are explained as tools to allow practitioners to practice reflective writing.