Part III describes the research on the ventilation of submarines. Chapter 7 describes the submarine atmosphere monitoring system.

A Polish Navy KILO-class submarine was equipped with an experimental submarine atmospheric monitoring system. The monitoring system consisted of oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide gas analyzers, as well as temperature, moisture, and pressure sensors.

The systems originally used could not provide continuous and simultaneous local measurements at different measuring points. The advantage of the local measuring system is that measurements are achieved at the stand where they are necessary. Only analytic signals are transmitted to the central computer. The computer data acquisition system enables analyzing the situation.

Implementation of new gas analyzers requires special fitting procedures. The number of laboratory tests necessary to commence the implementation research phase may be different and may be reduced if the gas analyzer has already been tested and is now only being modified or certified by an authorized laboratory. In the case of a new gas analyzer, the number of laboratory tests must be sufficient to reach the proper approved confidence level.