This chapter presents various aspects of computer and internet reliability. It covers computer failure causes and issues in computer system reliability; computer failure classifications, hardware and software error sources, and computer reliability measures; computer hardware reliability versus software reliability; fault masking; software reliability assessment methods; internet facts, figures, and failure examples, and reliability-associated observations; internet outage categories and an approach for automating fault detection in internet services; models for performing internet reliability and availability analysis; and problems. The fault masking includes triple modular redundancy (TMR) and N-modular redundancy (NMR). Similarly, the software reliability assessment methods include software metrics, software reliability models, and analytical methods.

At appropriate places, the chapter contains examples along with their solutions, and ten problems are given at the end of the chapter to test the reader’s comprehension in the area. Finally, it is added that the sources of most of the material presented in the chapter are given in the reference section. They will be useful to readers if they desire to delve more deeply into a specific topic.