Quite apart from contact tracing, any number of privacy issues are involved with CoVID-19. For one thing, it's a medical issue, and medical information seems to be the second. One of the rules of evidence is that, in order to present it in court, it must be relevant to the case. Possibly more study is warranted, but at the moment, no other evidence indicates that fecal contamination is a major vector of the virus. Canada, unfortunately, is not immune to racism, but the people do have, as a national characteristic, tolerance-to-the-point-of-vice. Much more than the United States, the people are a cosmopolitan and polyglot society. The George Floyd/Black Lives Matter protests may relate to whatever cultural forces are behind the racism. There have been other deaths and other protests. There have been other deaths and other protests. Colin Kaepernick had his own, completely non-violent, protest for many years.